Aborn Pet Hospital; 40951 Grimmer Blvd; Fremont, CA 94538; 510.656.0223 Aborn Pet Hospital; 40951 Grimmer Blvd; Fremont, CA 94538; 510.656.0223
Aborn Pet Hospital; 40951 Grimmer Blvd; Fremont, CA 94538; 510.656.0223 Aborn Pet Hospital; 40951 Grimmer Blvd; Fremont, CA 94538; 510.656.0223
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Aborn Veterinary Hospital offers a wide range of services that can provide the best veterinary care for your companion. Small animal care has changed dramatically in the last few years. Coupled with technology, new procedures, and heightened public credibility, our veterinarians and staff are equipped with the tools needed to bring a new higher level of health care to your companion.
Emergency Care Dentistry
Surgery Preventive Health Care
Radiographs Vaccinations
On-Site Laboratory Dermatology & Allergy
On-Site Pharmacy Nutrition Counseling
Behavioral Counseling Professional Dog & Cat Grooming
Internal Medicine Dog & Cat Boarding
Retail Humane Euthanasia

Emergency Care
Our resolute and level-headed staff is highly trained in handling emergency cases. We have a state of the art surgical suite, laboratory, & x-ray suite that is equipped to handle advance surgeries and diagnostic testing. Aborn Veterinary Hospital can handle many possible emergencies (during regular office hours) from automobile injury, to acute internal problems such as an intestinal blockage, but the following are the most serious and require immediate attention:

List of Serious Problems

  • Any severe difficulty in breathing
  • Cardiac failure
  • Massive bleeding
  • Profound shock from any cause
  • Anaphylaxis (severe allergic reactions)
  • Penetrating wounds of the thorax (chest) or abdomen
  • Coma and loss of consciousness
  • Poisoning
  • Massive injuries to the body
  • Seizures
  • Burns and scalds
  • Heat stroke
  • Bites and fight wounds
  • Continuous vomiting and/or diarrhea

We do not have someone on the premises after hours. If needed, we transfer overnight patients to Ohlone Veterinary Emergency Clinic. For more information, please check out Admissions page.

We look at every pet as an individual. When your pet is admitted for a surgical or dental procedure its anesthetic drug protocol will be based on its physical exam, history, and blood tests.  This allows us to use the most appropriate anesthetic drugs for your pet based on their medical history and the procedure being performed.

For your pet’s safety, blood work to test organ function and complete blood cell counts is often necessary before undergoing general anesthesia.  Additional testing such as urinanalysis, EKG, ultrasound or x-rays may be necessary in more involved cases.

Pre-medicate drugs are first administered which may include a mild sedative and pain medication.  This allows your pet to be relaxed before anesthesia is induced, and decreases the amount of induction agent required.  This makes the experience as stress-free as possible. 
Intravenous catheters are placed in all patients undergoing general anesthesia.  This allows us direct access to their circulatory system during the procedure and a route to administer any medications needed.  IV fluids are also administered to your pet to keep them hydrated and help combat low blood pressure which can be a side effect of general anesthesia.
We have a wide range of anesthetic drugs available for use in your pet, the same ones found in human hospitals!  They are fast acting and allow us to titrate the exact levels of medication needed for your pet.  All animals are intubated (a tube is placed in their windpipe) to allow complete control of their airway, and are maintained on the safest inhalant anesthetic gas with oxygen.  Recovery is smooth and with routine outpatient procedures (such as spay or neuter) your pet will be ready to leave by that evening. 

While your pet is under general anesthesia, their vital signs will be continually monitored and charted by one of our veterinary technicians.  We utilize state-of-the-art anesthetic monitors which tell us information on the patient’s heart rate, EKG, and blood oxygenation level.  The technician also monitors the depth of anesthesia, respiratory rate, and temperature. 

Heska IV Infusion PumpAfter the procedure is complete your pet is monitored until they are awake in the recovery area of our treatment room.  Heating support is provided as needed to keep the patients warm.  You will be called as soon as your pet is in recovery to inform you that the procedure is complete and your pet is waking up from anesthesia. 
Pain and discomfort unfortunately come along with surgical procedures but several measures are taken to reduce or eliminate it.  We have a wide range of pain medications, which are more effective and longer lasting than previous options available.  Pain medication is administered before the procedure to prevent pain before it starts.  This is then followed up post-operatively and most pets are sent home with oral pain medication for you to give at home.  Our patients’ comfort and health are our top priority! 

With the use of pain medications patients are often sleepy during the evening following the procedure.  Resting comfortably and quietly is important while they heal.

Pain management is aggressively practiced not only on patients that are undergoing surgical procedures, but in other situations as well.   Cancer pain, osteoarthritis/degenerative joint disease, and other conditions cause discomfort and we are here to make them as comfortable as possible!  Ask our doctors about the multimodal pain management options we have available for your pet.  We maintain a full pharmacy of medications as well as nutraceuticals and prescription diets.

  • Alarms for critical messages.
  • Flow rate range from 0.1 to 999 ml/hr
  • Pre-programmed drip rates.
  • 3 pressure settings for different patient conditions.
  • Cage and IV pole mounted with 8 hour battery

List of Surgeries Performed
Call or email us for surgeries not listed below.

  • Orthopedic Surgeries- Bone Plating, Bone Pining, Joint Reconstruction & Complicated Fracture Repair.
  • Intestinal
  • Exploratory
  • Declaw (for cats only)
  • Dewclaw Removal
  • Tail Docking
  • Ear Cropping
  • Castrations (Neutering)
  • Hysterectomies (Spay)
  • Lacerations
  • Ligament Repair
  • Umbilical
  • Tumor Removal
  • Abscess
  • Soft Tissue
  • Hernia
  • Urethral
  • Glands

Advanced Radiographic equipment helps your veterinarians in diagnosing cases that require an in-depth view of internal organs & bones. Our radiology service provides the same type of diagnostic services for your loved companions, that physicians provide for humans. As veterinary healthcare providers we keep our complete x-ray facilities ready for use at our veterinarian's discretion.

OFA Exams for Hip Dysplasia - Call 510-656-0223 or Email us for information


Dental SuiteSome potentially serious health problems can start with a minor tooth or gum problem. Bacterial growth on neglected and irritated gums can be carried by the bloodstream to your pet's vital organs and cause major damage or cause them to fail. Since most pets are not big complainers, we really have to pay close attention to spot these little irritations or infections early (as early as 12 months of age). A regular routine of keeping the mouth clean and healthy at all times is the best way to head off problems before they start.

Our state of the art dental suite allows our veterinarians to perform a wide range of services such as dental radiographs, extractions, braces, root canals and much more.

The Ultimate Veterinary Dental StationThe Ultimate Veterinary Dental Station provides our veterinarians with the same state of the art dental tools that a human dentist would use. With these tools, our veterinarians can perform simple and advanced dental procedures.

  • Three Hand-piece automatic control system
  • Three way (air, water and spray) syringe
  • Built-in water system
  • Built in ultrasonic scaler
  • High speed fiber optic hand-piece drill.
  • Slow speed polishing hand-piece with prophy angle
  • Virtually soundless and powerful air compressor.

Image Vet 70 PlusThe Image Vet 70 Plus is a microprocessor-controlled, intraoral x-ray unit designed specifically for veterinary dentistry. This machine features an advanced hand-held timer that depicts correct and numbered veterinary anatomy and simplifies the selection of exposure techniques. Using this tool reduces the time your companion spends under anesthesia and provides an in-depth view of your companion's dental health. 

On-Site Laboratory

Our on site, state of the art Idexx laboratory gives our veterinarians great tools in diagnosing your pet's health problems. This laboratory can provide full lab results including CBC and Chemistry in less then 30 min. This will also provide our veterinarians with an in depth look at your pet's liver and kidneys, which filter out the anesthesia. It is extremely important to make sure your pet's kidney and liver functions are normal prior to being anesthetized. This will greatly reduce any anesthetic risk during surgery & sedation.

On-Site Pharmacy

A fully stocked pharmacy is available for your pets needs. This allows you to take your pet's medications when you are finished with your appointment. If your pet's medication needs to be refilled you have many options. You can sign up for a Free Pet Portal and order your pet's medications online or you can call it in, and pick it up at your convenience. We understand you might have some questions about your pet's medication, so our friendly staff will answer any questions you have. We can also provide special medications such as transdermal or flavored medication on a special order basis.

Preventive Health Care

All dogs and cats should be seen by a veterinarian to receive a comprehensive physical examination and vaccinations. At this point you should consider enrolling your pet in one of our Wellness Plans. (click here for more details). All animals should have biannual examinations or at least an annual exam.

A yearly fecal sample should be tested to determine if any intestinal parasites or protozoa are present and medicated accordingly. Your canine companion should also be tested annually for Heartworms and should receive heartworm prevention year round.

As pet owners we have a responsibility to keep our pets healthy. The best way to fulfill this responsibility is by enrolling your pet in one of our six Wellness Plans. Remember there is no better gift than a healthy and happy life. Click here to learn more about our Platinum Wellness Plans.


Vaccinations are one of the greatest achievements in modern veterinary & human medicine. With the proper vaccination schedule, your companion will be protected from any dangerous diseases. We are caring pet healthcare professionals, and only administer the highest quality of vaccinations available. If your pet is enrolled in one of our six Platinum Wellness Plans a vaccination warranty will further cover your pets healthcare needs.

Dermatology & Allergy

Pets that scratch excessively may be allergic to one or many things. Some pets are affected continually, while others have problems only occasionally or at certain times of the year.  Pets may be allergic to such things as flea bites, pollen, mold, grass, trees, wool, tobacco smoke, certain foods, and even other pets.  Regardless of the offending agent (allergen), the main signs are scratching, biting and chewing the skin, which may result in extensive skin damage. The damaged skin is then highly susceptible to bacterial infection.

Our highly trained veterinarians are skilled in diagnosing and treating skin problems.  For more information please download a brochure on "Proven Allergy Management & Control." This brochure will answer some questions you might have. 

The manifestations of allergies can be confused with other disorders, or be concurrent with them. Therefore, do not attempt to diagnose your dog without professional assistance. Be prepared for your pet to receive a full diagnostic work up by your veterinarian. If an allergy is diagnosed and identified, the whole family must follow your veterinarian's advice very closely if success in controlling the problem is to be achieved.

Nutrition Counseling

Approximately 40% of all Americans are obese. Unfortunately, this same number now applies to pets. Obesity leads to several diseases both in pets and people. Type II diabetes, heart disease and arthritis are the most common weight related disorders. Diet and weight management can be the first step in preventing health problems.

Pets need special nutritional care for many reasons (obesity, diabetes, arthritis, urinary, or kidney problems). Our veterinarians can provide a custom made nutritional plan that fits your pet's needs.

Behavioral Counseling

Behavior problems can be due to medical or behavioral causes. A clinical history, physical examination, and diagnostic testing will determine if there are underlying medical conditions contributing to the problem. Although there may be a single cause for a behavioral problem, it is often the combined effect of the environment and learning, on the pet's mental and physical health that determines behavior.

Most, if not all, behavioral problems can be a stressful situation for your pet as well as for you. You can consult our veterinarians and they can suggest a wide range of tools such as simple behavioral training classes to pheromone treatments. With the proper care and perseverance, many of the behavioral problems can be solved.

List of Behavioral Problems
Aggression to Animals or Humans
Behavior Problems of Older Pets
Canine Fears and Phobias -- Fireworks, Thunderstorm & More
Destructiveness -- Chewing & Digging
Excessive Nocturnal Activity
Excessive Scratching
Excessive Vocalization
House Soiling
Introductions to a New Baby
Introductions to New Home
Puppy Biting
Running Away
Separation Anxiety
Socializing Problems
Travel Related Problems

Internal Medicine

Small animal care has changed dramatically in the last few years. Coupled with technology and new procedures, internal veterinary medicine is continually changing.  To keep up with the latest techniques & and procedures, our staff members attend many continuing education programs. This ensures that your companion receives the highest level of veterinary healthcare.  Our veterinarians are highly trained in diagnosing and treating a wide rage of internal medical problems.

List of Problems Treated
Infectious Diseases Treatment & Management
Cancer (Oncology)
Eyes, Ears, Nose & Throat
Endocrinal- Hyperthyroid diseases, diabetes
Urinary- Renal Failure, bacterial infections, & tumors
Diseases of Blood, Lymph Nodes, & Spleen
Immune System (Immunology)
Joint & Skeletal Disorders- Arthritis, Congenital Defects
Cardiac (Cardiology)
Liver Disease
Reproductive (Pregnancy Testing, Cesareans & More)
Nephrology- Stones (Urolithiases), UTI, Kidney Disease

Humane Euthanasia

The humane euthanization of a cherished pet creates a sense of loss and produces a predictable chain of emotions. Many times the decision to let your pet go instead of suffering is the best thing you can do. Most pet owners want their pet's last moments to be as comfortable as possible and stress free. We offers several options in humane euthanasia.

Drop Off
Some owners wish not to be present during the euthanasia. We offer you the option of dropping off your pet for human euthanasia. After filling out the required paper work, our highly trained staff will administer the euthanasia solution by using gentle restraint procedures.

Owner Witnessed
Other owners want to witness their pet's last moments. For these clients we offer owner witnessed humane euthanasia. After filling out the required paper work, you and your pet will be provided a private exam room. Our highly trained staff will administer the euthanasia solution by using gentle restraint procedures.

In Home
Our board certified veterinarians and veterinary assistants are trained in gentle restraint procedures. With the use of these procedures they will administer the euthanasia solution in an environment that is comfortable for your pet. This service is only available after regular office hours. For more information please feel free to send our staff an email or call 510-651-0707.

Post-Euthanasia Options
For Years, your beloved pet has lived by your side, offering comfort and companionship through thick and thin. When that time comes to say, "Goodbye", and you are forced to address the inevitable – consider these options. We have close working relation ship with Monterey Bay Pet Memorial Park.

Individual Cremation
Where your pet is cremated individually so the remains can be returned to you.  For our modest fee we include a quality wood urn with engraved metal memorial plaque.    

Attended Cremation
Where pet owners witness as much of the cremation as they wish. The remains are returned immediately. A wood urn and engraved name plaque are included at no charge. Many Wood & marble upgrade urns are available.

Communal Cremation
A procedure where several pets are cremated together. Their remains are scattered in our Garden Of Companions. A certificate of cremation and permanent engraving of the Pet's name on a wall of memories are options.  (This choice is appropriate when the owner's decision is to not have the remains returned.)

Private Burials
Where pet owners witness as much of the burial as they wish. Private burials take place at Monterey Bay Pet Memorial Park.  "Garden of Memories, Tranquility Terrace, and Garden of Wee Ones" are but three of the many special areas crafted into the gentle inclines of the park. The standard complete burial package includes a hand crafted wood casket and engraved sit marker. You can visit Monterey Bay Pet Memorial Park website for more information.

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